21 Day Nutrition Challenge exclusive for those who want to gain back control over their nutrition, feel proud and confident about their health and body again, without spending thousands of dollars on programs that don't work.


Thanks for your interest in the Nutrition Breakthrough Program!

Unfortunately the program was sold out in 8 hours and we are now on a waitlist. Enter your name and email to get on the waitlist as we decide if and how to serve a second group!

If you have been stuck with your nutrition and lacking discipline and control for a while, this is for you

It breaks my heart to hear the stories of men and women who have been through almost every diet out there only to end up frustrated that it didn’t work OR with results that didn’t last.
My name is Coach Stephanie and I help people regain control, breakthrough the barriers, and find TRUE FREEDOM in their nutrition again so that they can be confident in the way they look and feel.
I am a life transformation coach and personal trainer by trade, now coaching people to nutritional success as well.
When I look around at the different programs out there that cost thousands and thousands of dollars, I see a few important pieces missing. 

1. A passionate, knowledgeable, loving coach that is going to go deep with you and pull out the REAL REASON you want to change

2. A system that does not make you feel TRAPPED in a box, only allowed to eat cardboard and protein powder. There are other ways!

3. Something affordable that fits into your busy schedule and budget.

What is this new program and how is it different?

This is an 8-week Nutrition Empowerment & Accountability Program that can be done from the convenience of your home :-)

I will be personally coaching you, inspiring you, and holding you accountable every single week BOTH in a group setting via video calls, as well as 1 on 1. This is different because we are different- I understand and appreciate my clients unique challenges- I am 100% committed to helping you.

This first round is a beta-test program where you will pay one-fourth of the normal cost.

My only request will be that you provide me with a testimonial after you have experienced the massive transformation you are going to experience. Feeling better, happier, more confident, and back in CONTROL!

I want to help many others like you to get to this place in life where there is freedom, joy, and excitement again with how you look and feel. 

I'm ready to transform

When you enroll you receive:

  • An initial 1 on 1 Coaching Call with me to get clear on your goal, your "WHY", and for us to establish the connection we will need to accomplish great things together ($100 value)

  • 8 Weekly group coaching calls with inspiration, accountability, and action steps! ($400 value total)

  • Action Boosters: Weekly Emails To Keep You Accountable and on track ($47 value) 

Total Value: $547.00


Most nutrition programs cost triple this amount for one third of the results.

BUT, because you are part of the 1st one ever, you are not even going to pay half of that.


12 People Serious About Changing ONLY


I am only able to coach 12 committed individuals in this program.
If you are one of the 12, you are going to receive: 


*The entire 8-Week Nutrition Breakthrough Program with fun and exciting coaching calls, action steps, and accountability ($547 value)



You will receive TWO 1 on 1 Nutrition Coaching Sessions ($200 value)  


Total value: $747

Today's Price: 2 monthly payments of $99

Enroll Now!


Frequently Asked Questions

1) What if I don't see results or do not participate?

We have a 60 day money-back guarantee with absolutely zero hassle. We do not want your money, we want you to BREAKTHROUGH and experience the feelings of being proud, confident, and in control! 

2) What if I cannot be on the calls?

Listen, I totally understand if life gets in the way...

That is why every session will be recorded! That way if you miss a day, you can easily get back on track. Plus, we will have a private group where we will be sharing all the information from the calls.


3. What if I want more 1 on 1 coaching during the program as well as on-going accountability afterwards?

We do have a higher level coaching program in addition to this one. You would simply pay for additional 1 on 1 coaching calls.



50% Complete

Two Step

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