With Less Stress and Fewer Mental Health Struggles Along the Way
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My name is Andrew Simpson.
Over the past decade my team and I have coached thousands student-athletes to more confidence and success through mental and physical performance training. We have also helped more than 150 athletes get to the collegiate level and thrive as leaders.
"Between the earsβ is where I have found the majority of kids have the most room to grow. Their mindset is keeping them from being healthy, high-performers.
Most kids, coaches, and parents are throwing a bunch of stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks. The options vary from club sports, private sports, and specific instructors. They may even receive some weight training and injury prevention along the way.
The Winning Athlete Formula is the shortcut you've been eager to find. It is a new approach we pioneered for parents, coaches, and athletes that is guaranteed to strengthen the minds, win the hearts, and inspire the souls of your athletes.
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