3 Tips to help your child SUPER POWER their brain

Uncategorized Sep 27, 2020

Hey there!


I know that you have been struggling with your child paying attention and even struggling during school. I feel your pain and with this message, I want to give you 3 tools that will Super Power your child's brain so that they perform better in school and act better at home.

Let's combine forces here and set your children up for success.


Tip #1

Set a 50-minute timer for your child during these classes or while they are working on homework. This 50-minute timer will be utilized to get them up and moving for a few minutes allowing their brains and bodies to reset and prepare for the next 50 minutes. 

These pit stops will help your child have more energy throughout the day and they become more productive through their work.


Tip #2

Frequent Quick bursts of physical activity throughout the day. These activities can be a part of your child's pit stops or they can be done on top of your child's water break, stretch session, or potty break.

Do you know where you can get some 1 minute Brain Break activities for your kiddos to reset and superpower their brain? HERE: https://bit.ly/36dymJP

New episodes are recorded and added weekly!


Tip #3

Participate in these activities with your kiddos. I know that you have become sedentary alongside your kiddos. They will have a blast and fully engage more with you taking the same pitstops with them. These will also help your brain become SUPERPOWERED!


Thanks for checking out these 3 tips. If you want to get your child involved in an Enhanced Physical Activity program click this link: https://www.RSKatPFP.com and enter your information for your first session free with Coach Brian.


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