Balancing High Effort and Patient Endurance

Uncategorized May 08, 2024

Recently I was a guest on the Lead Em Up Podcast to talk all things athlete confidence, mindset, and peak performance habits. Coaches, parents, athletes, this one is a MUST LISTEN TO.

A key part of the conversation was when we got into talking about how "Balancing High Effort and Patient Endurance" is the KEY to reaching full potential.

Listen to this conversation between Adam, Kyle, and myself. 


Dedicated to your athlete's success in sports and life,

Coach Andrew J Simpson

IT'S HERE! You can now grab my new book, The Unstoppable Athlete: 12 Keys to Unlock Your Full Potential. Mindset, Confidence, and Peak Performance Habits for Teen and College Athletes Who Play Sports. 

Get The Book TODAY Plus 5 Key Bonuses Guaranteed to Give Your Athlete the Edge 


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